• 08.51

Most of our readers of the book are the business people selling online, as one of our concern for the online business in Indonesia then we are special to make this article. An article that is expected to inspire you to bring in many visitors that can create a flood of traffic in your online store or website.
Traffic or website visitors is one of the key elements that support in an effort to succeed online business that we live. Without being supported with sufficient traffic, the chances of a sales conversion will be smaller. But the big traffic, thousands of visitors per day is not necessarily able to bring sales lho :).
Here we describe some tips and tips to bring visitors to online store and website you have.
1. Share Stories About Your Online Store
stories about online stores, promote online storeAll people love to hear stories, and good news stories is one of the media campaigns that we can use to bring visitors to our online store / website. Try to see the articles on this JefferlySuperClub blog, we often tell about the products we sell, right? A quick example of this in this article is, Intelligent Book Review Hunting Dollar Through Internet.
If people (your targeted online store market) love your story, or your story is beneficial to them, they will come back to your online store. And maybe they will be your loyal customers :).
How to tell her story? Calm is not difficult koq. You just create articles on various sites, such as through blogs (as we routinely do), through sites like forums (eg Kaskus), through article directory sites and so on.
How, are you interested to try it?

2. Build and Utilize Your Prospect List
list of prospects One of the most powerful ways or methods of marketing on the internet is by doing list building activities. List building is an activity to build a list of prospects (potential targets that can later be a buyer of your product). Once you have a list of prospects, then you can promote soft / soft selling to them.
Once in a while you can send an article from your website, once in a while you can share a gift of ebook, and do not forget once in a while you also promote the products you sell.
To be clear, let's look at the case studies on how to list it directly. Examples of this prospect building activity you can see right here.
Tetarik try to learn list building? We recommend this book "Explode Profit with Blog and Email".3. Take advantage of Advertising Media
Not only promote in the real world that requires advertising, in cyberspace also may koq use ads. On the internet there are so many types and methods of advertising that we can use. Ads like:

will be very helpful in your efforts to increase the turnover through the internet media. If your target market is a local market, then use ads like Facebook, Google Adwords, or other local PPCs originating from Indonesia.

4. Working with Resellers
As an online business, we need to embrace other partners. As we've unpacked in the article on How to Get a Fast Product Buyer, working together (joint venture) with other business people is one powerful way in developing a business. Including this method is also very effective to bring traffic to your online store or website.
If you are interested in working with resellers, the cooperation is a win-win solution. You are lucky because it can be traffic and the reseller for because it can supply products and commissions from you.
So, there is no harm in trying right? :).5. SEO
In business known term 4 P, and one of the P referred to is place or placement. Your online store will be crowded if your online store is easy to find. Now that the question, how to make your online store can be easily found on the internet?
One way is to do SEO optimization. SEO or search engine optimization will make your website can occupy good search results in search engines. Impact, your online store will be more easily found by the users of search engines. And you know the next result? Yes very well your online store will be the arrival of prospective buyers :).
So, let's optimize SEO yes.


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