How many times have you heard many people suggest it when you decided to learn about SEO? Keywords are the first things you must know and learn about when to start optimizing your blog's SEO. This guide is written to understand the most basic concepts of SEO ie what keywords are useful.Let's start with the most basic, if you're just blogging for a while, 5% of the traffic coming from your posts. that is, you can get the maximum traffic coming from traffic on some of your posts. Have you ever wondered why the posting on this journal gets so much traffic? You have to do it right and keywords are the biggest factor.
Without us being aware some of your posts may already have rankings on the first page for keywords that are highly sought after by global users or in certain regions of the world. One thing you should find out here is, have your content ranked in search engines? Search engine language (algorithm) that will determine the content rating you write.When we say content ratings, what is the meaning of ranking? In this context, rank for a particular keyword.You can use SEMRUSH website then type your blog address to see keyword in blog post. Here is an example of one of the popular blogs.
Try to understand the concept of the picture above. (Even if you are 100% do not understand, do not worry it's normal for beginners).
Keywords: Keywords that drive a lot of traffic traffic to specific URLs from my blog. (We also call this target keyword).
Post: Keyword position in Google search. Your target should be ranked on the first page of Google for your target keyword.
Volume: This is an important aspect as it helps you to understand how many people are searching for keywords within a month. Try to see this more humane than to see it technically. You go to Google to find a solution, as well as others looking for solutions in the same way, but they may use different terms from you. Google stores data from how people search and allows you to view a number of monthly searches for any keyword. In this way, you will be able to find the ideal keywords to use as others are looking for.
Every keyword that qualifies as an ideal keyword is when the keyword has been searched enough in the past month.
There are two types of keywords we can learn:
Short tail Keywords: Keywords consisting of only 1-3 words. Example: 5 CPM moneymaking ads on your blog
Long Tail Keywords: Keywords that mean something more detail that can contain 3 words or more. Example: BuzzSumo Free extension from Chrome for blogger
Long tail keywords are very profitable to use because they will drive more targeted traffic and your chances of ranking on the first page are higher. For now understand all these terms are more important in understanding the basic concepts of SEO.Writing quality posts will help you to drive traffic traffic on your blog.What is the importance of keywords from an SEO point of view?If you have understood the basic concept of keywords, now let's learn more deeply. SEO will optimize posting on a blog or a website page, we have the option to specify targeted keywords. This is commonly known as Meta keywords. in the last year before 2012, Meta keywords are important (keywords you target), but by 2016, meta keywords will no longer be useful. Search engines have become smart to detect your keywords and page rank automatically.Google does not consider certain meta keywords or keywords when choosing keywords, and this makes perfect sense because too many bloggers write an article by adding many keywords in their posts.How to start your keyword research?
Keyword research is the process of finding the right keywords for your target market. This step is very important if you want your blog / website to grow bigger in the span of time faster. There are different ways to find keywords, for example:SEMRUSHThis is an online tool that lets you find keywords, or you can also place URLs from a website, and will display keywords on a site complete with ratings.Keyword planner toolKeyword planner tool is a free tool for researching keywords, but not as simple as Semrush.LongTailProThis is another tool that can be downloaded on your computer.AHREFSAHREFS is an online tool that we use to do keyword research, this tool is more detailed in determining the keywords on every blog / website that we see.How to use Google's seacrh column to find keywords quickly.
You can also use Google search to find your targeted keywords, Google auto keywords will suggest search queries as you type something in the search field, and that is a good place to start the main quest. You can create keyword lists using this technique.
Google search by dotcomindonesia
Once you find the ideal keyword for your post / website, your next task is to write an article optimized with SEO techniques for your target keywords.
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