Selling products on Amazon can be a good thing for small businesses to make the most profit with more than 160 million visitors per month. Amazon has evolved into the largest marketplace and the most widely used sellers to sell their products. In fact, it has now surpassed the most popular retail sites like eBay in terms of traffic and sales.
But just signing up, making a list of products, and wishing the best in Amazon is not enough. At Amazon we also have to compete with other sellers from all over the world. If you want to succeed, we must know tips and tricks to be more than others.
Here are 7 strategies to sell selling in Amazon.
1. Be sure to choose the right merchant account
The fee for merchant account on Amazon is $ 39.99 / month. For comparison, for individual accounts the cost is $ 0.99 / month.
According to amazon, if you plan to mnjual more than 40 items per month, then the unlimited price of $ 39.99 will be meaningful. If you are just starting out or not planning to sell many items, maybe the choice on this account is not the best. If this is the case, use an individual seller account and upgrade when you are comfortable or when your sales start exceeding the $ 39.99 limit
According to Amazon, if we want to sell more than 40 products then for accounts with a price of $ 39.99 it is the right choice. But, if we are just starting or not planning to sell many items, then use an individual account $ 0.99. We also can still upgrade if sales start to rise.
2. Understand that price competition is fierce
When selling at Amazon we must be aware and ready to compete with other business owners from around the world. That means we will compete with hundreds, even thousands of competitors who sell the same or identical product, some may have a price much lower than ours.
This does not mean we can not be competitive, but we must be prepared for that condition. Therefore, we must rack my brain to find alternative ways to make the product more attractive.
3. Find ways to make the product look unique
Instead of trying to compete directly with competitors, better find ways to make our products unique. Amazon groups items by title, so if we sell the same product with a higher ranking competitor and lower price, then we will lose.
On the other hand, if no other competitors are selling the same product as our product, then we will become rulers. It's easier to say than to do, because almost anything we imagine is already in the Amazon. But, by doing research / research and finding a unique way to put our products in a good position will have a tremendous impact.
4. Integrate Amazon into the E-Commerce platform
Since Amazon offers an open API for sellers, we can easily integrate all Amazon products into existing ecommerce platforms. Visitors can find, review, and even buy Amazon products from our ecommerce site.
If you do not already have an ecommerce platform, start designing and building websites that have a place for Amazon products. This is especially effective when coupled with a content marketing strategy, which can help to increase visibility and organic traffic.
5. Optimize product posting
Most people always associate SEO with search rankings on Google. But, there are other things that may be more we optimize the product and amazon account to improve the ranking and visibility in Amazon search.
There are two factors that Amazon uses to calculate rankings for particular search phrases, namely performance and relevance. Performance factors relate to what we do, like how many items are sold, whether our product has a full description and image, product level, etc. The point to improve search rankings in Amazon is to increase sales history and make our products more sellable.
The relevance factor is a bit more complicated and should be done in a way that makes the product relevant, in line with the given query. We can make the product more relevant by using the full title, product description (including brand name, accurate product description), and key points explaining the product. Things to keep in mind that search terms on Amazon should include fragments of words that might apply to our product.
Selling on Amazon is just like any other marketing strategy. It requires patience, commitment, and continuous analysis and some adjustments before we can see the results. In order to achieve maximum sales we also need a clear product specification
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