• 09.13

Currently social media is not only used as a medium for socializing, entertainment and information but also serve as a place of business. The popularity of social media among the public at this time of course becomes the main target of entrepreneurs in expanding their business because of the wide and unlimited social media coverage.
Trend selling through social media today has changed the lifestyle of many people. Not only is considered easier and practical but also offered products are also more interesting. Sophisticated features offered by each social media are considered to facilitate the promotion process until the purchase of the product. This will certainly be very profitable for those who want to explore the online business.
Among the many social media today, Facebook and Instagram are two of the most prominent social media to be used as a medium for promoting or selling online. This is influenced by the number of active users of both social media is quite a lot compared to other social media so as to make them as social media with the number of business accounts online the most.
In Indonesia alone active users facebook counted as much as 88 million in 2016 while instagram active users is 22 million in 2016 and this number is expected to continue to grow in both. Both of these social media have their respective advantages and disadvantages, depending on their usage and the type of business chosen.
So before trying an online business, you should first read the explanation about the differences and the comparison between the advantages and disadvantages between these two social media as follows:Advantages and Disadvantages Facebook and Instagram FeaturesFacebook :

Although upload image has been widely applied in many social media, but the advantages of upload image by facebook is image quality that will not change. So the detail image on the product will look more clear, and of course from the side of this consumer will be more satisfying because consumers can see the product quality only from the image and facilitate them in making purchasing decisions.
Disadvantages of the image upload feature on facebook is to edit their own photos to be uploaded with the device or other software, Editorial photos that can be given by facebook is just a crop picture (cut the picture) and tag the picture (put a picture).

This feature was initially not too widely used in facebook but, now it is often used because of the increasingly tight and online business competition that demands many creative promotional strategies in introducing and selling products.
The advantages of uploading videos from facebook just like the image is the quality of the video will not change, even there is no limit duration on facebook because the capacity of facebook have greater than other social media. The drawback is you have to edit through another app if you want to give effect to the uploaded video.

It can be said fanpage is the best feature offered by Facebook to you who want to open an online business. Creating this fanpage account is quite easy, one of the conditions is must have a personal account on Facebook first and then can make this fanpage account.
The advantages of this fanpage for business is you can be free to update the product without fear mixed with personal content and of course facilitate the prospective consumers in knowing information about your product. There are several other advantages in this fanpage account are:

Unlimited number of fans.
Can be indexed by search engines
Free tags
Appears on newsfeed buyer
And most important is the display offered by fanpage gives the impression of a professional that allows you to gain the trust of potential customers.Instagram :

Editorial Image
Instagram is the first social media that uses images as the main content, therefore instagram has a variety of unique and funny effects and filtration that can be applied to the uploaded image. So you do not have to bother anymore using other applications to edit photos to be uploaded.
Weakness in instagram is the image can not be saved (downloaded) and must use another application to download it. In addition, the quality of the images downloaded from instagram quality will decrease, because instagram adjust its capacity on the use of the smartphone.

Video Editorial
As in the picture, instagram also has a variety of unique effects and filters that can be applied to the video to be uploaded otherwise it can cut (cut) the duration or the unwanted part of the live video on Instagram.
The weakness of this video editorial also occurs in the image, the quality of the video will decrease when you want to download it. In addition, the maximum duration of video that can be uploaded only 1 minute.

Just like a keyword on search engines, the functions of the hashtags on instagram are not much different from social media twitter, by using hashtag users can go directly to the topic you want to see or search. This Hashtag will certainly help you in promoting the product.
Simply include the most popular hashtags on captions of uploaded product images or create unique hashtags that your product only owns. Pinpointing the hashtag will speed up the process of disseminating information about the product.

The latest features of this instagram offer additional features in image or video editing. Like putting stickers or additional text on content that is uploaded either images or video. But the disadvantage of this feature is that the uploaded content will disappear within 24 hours and the maximum duration of the uploaded video is only 10 seconds.Read Also: 26 Promising Online BusinessesUse of Social MediaFacebook :

The advantages of social media facebook is you can do all activities to upload content either image or video on PC (personal computer) or mobile phone. Even so using facebook with mobile display is more difficult because the laying of buttons that are not all directly displayed on the homepage is not like on a PC or tablet, so it will be a bit more troublesome when going to use facebook via mobile.

So better for you who sell through facebook to maximize the use of facebook on pc course than mobile in order to give best service to prospective consumer.
Instagram :

In contrast to facebook, instagram is a social media wh1. Maximize Product Photo
Because the quality of photos uploaded on facebook quality will not change, you can use it by providing photos for the highest quality products. Give product images from all sides well to appear front, side, bottom and back. This will certainly be very satisfying from the consumer side because they can know the quality of your product from the picture only.
Do not forget to give special folders for each product image that is uploaded to look more presentable and easier for consumers in finding the products they want.
For example, if you sell fashion products such as women's shoes. Give special image folders for color or size.2. Make a Video Product Review
Because there is no limit of duration and quality degradation to upload video on facebook. You can use this to upload your product reviews and other content. Maximize this to more easily gain the trust of potential customers.
The contents of a trading account should not always contain product information only, you can create videos containing fun content such as cooking tutorials, tips on choosing groceries and so on. Make your sales account fun for consumers to see so they feel welcome to visit your account.
For example, if you sell a food product, you can upload a video about people who commented on a product or video about healthy cooking cooking.3. Become a Member of the Group
There are many forums or groups on facebook. This can be utilized by becoming a member and promoting the product there. Sign in to the group that matches the product you are selling do not forget to make sure the group is active and has many members.
For example, if you are selling a bag entry into a group that does contain people who like to collect bags.Instagram Sales Tips:

1. Maximize Visual Beauty in Product Image
Edit the image you want to upload, try not to cover or even make the product image worse. Edit product pictures with a simple but aesthetic and uniqueness looks, so it is interesting to see.
For example, if you want to sell food products such as jelly wine, upload jelly photo products with grape decorations and suitable photo backgrounds such as wooden or glass dining tables.2. Caption Product Photo
Information about the product is very important, because instagram is social media with the main content is the image so you must maximize the product information on the caption. Do not be rambling in filling out product information just tell the basic information only.
For example, if selling clothes include direct information about the size of clothing available and the price alone.3. Using Hashtag
Hashtags are very important if you want the dissemination of information about your product can be done quickly. Expand the number of hashtags on product photo captions, from the most common to the most unique hashtags. Do not forget to create a hashtag intended only for your merchandise only, it aims to differentiate you from competitors.
For example, if selling food products, include popular hashtags like #food #healthyfood and #foodporn and unique hashtags like #summary or your online store name.4. Utilizing Instastory
Many people do not like it if you keep spam. You would arguably interfere especially if it keeps spam with the same content. This will make people unfollow your account. Take advantage of instastory if you want to update continuously even if the content is the same.
For example, if selling clothing can update product photos, product information and product prices separately without having to spam on the timeline.5. Endorsment
This method is the most widely used in promoting the product through instagram. You can use the services of users of instagram accounts that have many followers to promote the product. Usually accounts with the most number of followers will cost more. Do not forget to choose an account that will be in endorse according to your product type.

Providing the best service
Whatever medium is used in selling. Providing the best service is the key to doing business. You must provide a prompt response and appropriate service in accordance with the wishes of potential customers.Read Also: Know Tax Kinds for Online Business


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