baidu - How to Sign Up Google Adsense from Blogspot Blog
Being a blogger, as well as a hobby basically can also generate financial benefits. It is not instant let alone without capital. But at least the notion that blogging just spend money paying coffee in a coffee shop berwifi can be a big mistake.
Because bloggers have a chance to create money from blogs that diasuhnya. One way to become a Google Adsense partner.
Not easy indeed. But there is no harm in trying to monetize our post on the blog at least if fruitful, can be used to pay for coffee. Or pay for data plan if using private wifi from mobile.
Read: Full Tutorial To Luck Google AdSense List
For Blogspot users, there is already a special service on the dashboard to sign up for this Google Adsense. But before setting the option to monetize the blog, you should check the feasibility of your blog by reading the link above it.
This article was updated on March 18, 2018. The original title is "Car Google Adsense List from Blogspot". The contents are updated according to the latest developments. Original article published March 22, 2014.
In a long post mentioned how to check the availability of Adsense in Blogspot dashboard. At that time not all blogs in Indonesia support, so it must be changed in English format. But now, Adsense signup service service is available.
How To Sign Up Google Adsense Through Blogspot Dashboard?
Before entering the steps to register Google Adsense through Blogspot dashboard, please note that Blogspot and Google are the same company. Both are under the auspices of Alphabet Inc, Google's parent company. Larry Page as founder of Google is still its CEO.
Because it is in the same flag, so there is a special kemudahaan given to blogspot if Google Adsense sign up. One of them can get an account despite its hosted, alias share. This exception is not available when registering through other methods.
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To register a blog that still has the main domain blogspot, the way is quite easy. Just login to the dashoard blogpost and look in the left bar. Select the menu that says 'Earnings'. So it looks like the following picture.
On this page there is also a brief explanation, how Google Adsense work on our blog. Time select a theme, adjust the ads, then Google Adsense put the ads. If any visitor is interested then the result will go into our account.
If you're already on the 'Earnings' page and think your blog is eligible for erning. Then click the 'Sign up to Adsense' button. A page will appear to login. Select the Gmail account you want to register, do not forget to enter password. But if the modem is logged, will be directed to the Google Adsense registration.
It looks like the following:
At the top will be presented account data and website name that we register. Underneath there is a choice of whether to be able to email information from Adsense or not. Mending select 'Yes' to be able to input and notify our ad performance.
The next stage, choose in which country you are. Certainly Indonesia. So Google Adsense online rules that appear below it will change in Indonesian language. Please read if you have time. In essence it is binding rules in order to establish cooperation with Adsense.
If you do not want to take a long time, just tick the text 'Yes, I have read and accept the agreement' at the bottom. At the end press the 'Create Account' button. Then you will be directed to the Google Adsense page. Click 'Get Started' if you want to shorten the time.
The next stage is setting the payment address (Payment Address Details). Here will happen what type of account you create. Usually will appear 'Individual' but can be changed to 'Business' if it is for allotment of the company.
The next detail is the name and address. Please understand that this name must be exactly as the name on the ID card. Address even though not necessarily the same as listed on the ID card, but you should use that can be used to send a letter.
Read Also: How to Easily Verify Google Adsense PIN
If everything is complete, click 'Submit' at the bottom. The page will appear as follows if it has successfully submitted.
The above view will only appear shortly before finally there is information from Blogger that Adsense Widget has been added to our blog template. Next click the 'Continue' button to return to the blogspot dashboard page.
On the 'Earnings' menu on the dashoard blogspot will change as shown below. There is a view for ad settings. Although at the top there is information that our Adsense account submission is in the queue. They will do a feasibility review and preach within 1x24 hours or can be weeks.
To simplify the review, choose one of the 'ad setup for blog' formats, so it does not have to be done manually. Then click 'Save Settings'.
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baidu - How to Sign Up Google Adsense from Blogspot Blog baidu - How to Sign Up Google Adsense from Blogspot Blog Being a blogger, as well as a hobby basically can also generate financial benefits. It is not instant let alone without capital. But at least the notion that blogg… Read More