Of course you are all familiar with online marketing. But in this day and age, when listening to online marketing most people think that it's just social media marketing. Though there are various other ways to do online marketing, including email marketing.
Email marketing is an online marketing strategy that is often underestimated by many people. Though this strategy is the most appropriate strategy for dealing with your customers personally.
The first step to email marketing is to build a list of e-mail recipients. Maybe you wonder how? Here are some strategies you can do to build your email list.
Strategies for building email lists for your website
Pop-Up on your website
Maybe all this time you consider the pop-up on the website that you are visiting to interfere. Pop-ups are a powerful way to make your website visitors subscribe to your email. According to a study conducted by AWeber, pop-up forms increase blog subscriptions by 1375% more than traditional methods. Meanwhile a study by Sumo found that the best 10% pop-up forms successfully added 9.3% blog subscriptions.
In order for the pop-ups that you install are not considered annoying by visitors, you must pay attention to the time of your pop-up. Most website owners prefer to bring up the pop-up at the beginning. Even though you could lose a lot of your newsletter customers because of that. One time that is considered as the right time is at the end of a content. Most visitors will decide whether they will re-read and subscribe to newsletters from your website after reading your content. By raising the pop-up at the end of the content, you will indirectly ask them to decide right away to subscribe to your newsletter. For you WordPress users, you can use the subscription plugin to make it easier for you.
Another time that can help increase your email list is when visitors will leave your website. WPBeginner did this strategy and managed to increase its email list by 600 percent by using the OptinMonster plugin for WordPress. When you install a pop-up when someone will close the tab, you retract their attention. Make sure that the messages in your pop-up are interesting so they want to subscribe to your newsletter. For more interesting pop-ups, you can use words like "Yes, I will join the list" or "Yes, I'm in" and not only "Join now" or "Submit."
If you do not want to install a pop-up on your website, you can install a column at the top or bottom of your website so that visitors can register their email. But keep in mind that this strategy will not work as well as using pop-ups.
Offer incentives to customers
You can offer incentives for visitors who register with your newsletter. This incentive can be in the form of coupons, discounts, or even an ebook or ecourse. There are still many website owners who have not offered incentives to encourage people to subscribe to their email newsletters. Of course this causes a significant loss to them because of the loss of customers they should be able to get.
How effective is actually offering incentives to customers in building your email list? Very effective. One of the success stories came from the Flyte website which managed to increase the monthly newsletter by 5,000 percent simply by offering incentives to people who joined their newsletter.
In offering incentives, there are several things that must be considered, namely:
Your incentives must be relevant to your website
Your topics and incentives are attractive to visitors to your website so they want to subscribe to your email
Tell visitors who will subscribe that they will get regular emails from you when they register to get your incentives
Send incentives as soon as possible after people have registered and once again remind them that they will get emails from you regularly.
Hold a Giveaway
Josh Earl, a blogger found a way to successfully add to his blog email list. In an effort to quickly build an email list, Earl decided to hold a giveaway. He offers people a paid software that is popular in his niche market and the requirement to win is to share about the giveaway that he has and subscribe to his newsletter. Of course many people will be interested in joining a giveaway with paid software prizes? Earl managed to get 482,044 visitors to his blog and get 187,991 subscribers to his email list within 11 days, all because of the giveaway he held. If you can give giveaway correctly, this strategy can really help in building your email list. Here are some tips that you can try in holding a giveaway:
First, make sure the incentives you offer to your visitors are relevant and are something that many people in your niche are interested in. Sharing a gadget as a gift from a giveaway is sure to attract many people. But, is that relevant to your business? Will people continue to visit your business and subscribe to your newsletter afterwards? If you distribute relevant prizes, it will certainly keep these people subscribed.
The second is to make a newsletter subscription from your website as one of the conditions they must do because this is the main goal of the giveaway that you hold, which is to add to your website email list.
The last way is to give more points for those who distribute your giveaway on social media or invite their friends to join. This method can make people become more excited to join the giveaway that you hold.
Hold a challenge
To attract attention, try holding a challenge. The challenge referred to here is a challenge such as writing a blog post for 30 days with different topics every day or instagram challenge, where participants must upload photos on Instagram every day for a certain period of time. Challenge-challenges like this can help build an email list because the challenge-challenge referred to here is usually long enough, this activity can help create bonds and closeness between you and the challenge participants. This closeness will make them trust you more and do not hesitate to subscribe to your newsletter.
Natalie Sisson, a writer, runs this challenge to build her email list before the book launches. Sisson held a blog challenge where he gave topics for participants to write various content for 30 days. The challenge he held was so successful that Sisson said that challenges like this were the most successful initiatives he had ever done on his blog. The challenge he managed to add 1,000 more customers to his email list, helped his book to become the # 1 bestseller, and increased website traffic by 100 percent.
Before starting this challenge, conduct a survey for your website visitors. The purpose of this survey is to see what they most need and run a challenge that relates to what they need. Make registering for your newsletter as a requirement for participating in this challenge. You will be surprised by how successful this strategy will be.
Do content enhancements
Increasing blog content became very popular some time ago and this strategy is a strategy that you must try to do. Content enhancement will become increasingly popular for two reasons. First, content enhancement gives customers the opportunity to receive relevant content offers.
Content enhancement also allows you to group your website visitors. MarketingSherpa's research shows that you can get up to 208 percent increase in conversion rates by grouping these and sending emails designed specifically for that customer.
If you consider the two factors above, you can clearly see that increasing content is the future of making email lists and will become more prominent in 2017. Brian Dean reported a 785 percent conversion increase in one day just by applying content enhancements.
To do this strategy, you only need to offer content that you have deepened to customers through pop-up opt-in forms on your website. For example, if your article is '5 Ways to Increase Traffic', offer content upgrade '20 Ways to Increase Traffic'. Emphasize that visitors will only get content that has been deepened if they have registered to your email list. Regarding segmentation, you can find out and believe that they are interested in the topic because they have read the topic on your blog. If you offer more in-depth content, of course they will subscribe to your newsletter.
If you want to know more about ways to write complete content, you can read the copywriting guide that we have released before.
Do an increase in content on guest posts that you have written for other websites or blogs
Similar to content enhancement, the increase in guest posts is basically a re-increase of guest posts that you have written for other websites or blogs and offer these enhancements to visitors to these websites and blogs. The only difference between guest posts and content enhancement is only at the location of the post. You don't do it on your own website or blog but on someone else's website or blog.
Content enhancement in guest posts has been proven as a successful strategy by many influencers. A blogger named Bryan Harris said that he managed to add to his email list 500 people each time he re-edited guest post content he had written for another website.
There are several things to keep in mind to make this strategy work for you:
Pay attention to the quality of your writing. Make sure that the content you provide is comprehensive and practical content. This will not only increase the number of customers you can get, but also reduce the possibility of the blog owner removing the content that you have fixed.
Include resource attachments to your blog post if possible - more people want to download attachment resources that complement your posts. The resource most often included by bloggers in their content is the checklist attachment.
Mention that you will provide more in-depth content or that you have updated this content at the beginning of your content. This will make people curious and cause curiosity which will ultimately increase conversion on a large scale.
When you finally introduce an increase in the content of your content, make sure you direct people to the landing page that is specifically tailored to the blog that will publish the content.
Use Qualaroo to quickly build your email list
One of the tools that you can use to help build your email list quickly is by utilizing Qualaroo survey tools. This tool is a survey-specific website that asks survey questions directly to your website visitors when they visit them.
One of the success stories is from the University of Alberta. They use Qualaroo to invite their website visitors to subscribe to their e-mail newsletter. They do this by asking visitors this question using Qualaroo where there is a feature if they choose yes, visitors can directly enter their email and then automatically registered in the email list of the University of Alberta.
Optimization of e-mail confirmation page
Sometimes people who have entered their e-mail address do not confirm their e-mail. There are many reasons that can occur, such as sent confirmation emails to their spam / junk folder or they suddenly change their mind.
To avoid the second problem, there is one thing you can do, which is to optimize your e-mail confirmation page. How to? There are 3 steps you can do:
Re-mention what benefits people will get if they subscribe to e-mail from you.
Use strong call-to-action, like for example ‘Come on, subscribe now. If someone does not immediately confirm their email right away, chances are they will never confirm the email.
You can explain how to confirm your email by entering a visual guide in the e-mail you sent.
Show customer numbers and testimonials to convince visitors
Showing the number of your email customers can help convince visitors to subscribe, especially if the number of your email subscribers is large. But if the number of your e-mail customers is still small, you should not do this.
Another way you can do to convince people to subscribe to your email is to display reviews from your customers on the website. Show testimonials from people who have joined your newsletter and feel helped by it. Testimonials alone can work more than just showing the number of people who have subscribed to your newsletter.
Integrate email marketing with video marketing and social media marketing
Another strategy that you can try is to utilize video marketing and social media marketing. You can give the option to register their e-mail at the end of a video that you uploaded to your YouTube / Vimeo channel. Place a link on your video screen that will immediately bring video viewers and visitors to a squeeze page to register their email. After that, you can immediately send a gift to your new customer. For example if your video is about how to make a schedule and compile a food menu for a week, you can send food recipes that can be prepared in a short time or a document for them to schedule their meals. For social media, you can promote your newsletter on Twitter or other social media.
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