Learn the Science of SEO more and more here, more difficult. Maybe that is an expression for some people who start giving up on Google's heart. In 2018, to become a page one of Google is very difficult, there are many factors that cause the difficulty of websites to be on the best page of search engines. Curious? Come on, check out SEO techniques and their effects to get quite a lot of website traffic.

Who doesn't want to have a lot of traffic or visitors? Definitely to want, right? Well, if that's the case, it's better that in 2018, you are fighting harder, because Google is getting smarter to separate quality queries. The query is not just a keyword repetition, but it also has to be put in the right and right place.

If people think of being on page 1 it's easy, just try it yourself with various keywords longtail or low search keywords. I guarantee, in 2018 this will not go up. There are several factors that cause blogs or websites to be difficult to compete on page one, including:

1. The Website Is Still New

If your website is still new, it's only natural that it will be very difficult to compete. This is one of the main indicators that causes Google to do strict selection. There are some people who really understand this, but some people don't understand and force the web to be on the pageone, what's the result? Yes clear, nil.

For you who still have a new website, you should not be too ambitious. For example, ambitiously plant backlinks everywhere, comment spam everywhere and the results will look very clear. Keyword agan will be difficult to enter in the search engine because you can say your website includes spamming. So, if it's a new website, I recommend writing articles as best as possible with clear targets.

2. Articles are not relevant

Most of us as complaining bloggers and confused how to write good quality content. Don't be confused, because you must first adjust the theme of your website. For example, Agan's website about SEO, then you have to discuss the latest seo issues now. Well, if you are consistent in writing relevant articles, then you will easily enter the search engine.

In addition, as much as possible you write to humans. Not for Google robots. So make articles or content that are meaningful and have a clear meaning so that your web will automatically be recommended by humans through social networks. I once discussed how to write quality SEO articles that might help you solve this problem.

3. Do not use SSL or HTTPS

2018, https is very influential for a website to enter the competition on the first page. Well, this is an obstacle for some internet marketing. Many do not understand the difference between HTTPS and HTTP.

Basically, HTTPS is one of the best ways so that your web is searched by the google robot. Because, the indicator of HTTPS is thrust or trust, so the website becomes easier to index.

4. Renewing Algorithms

The Google 2018 algorithm is currently very cruel and can be said to be very difficult to guess. If in 2017, Google's algorithm can be conquered and there are many ways that can be taken to avoid the algorithm, but in 2018 different stories because there are some changes that can not be known by some people especially a webmaster.

Google's algorithm update is still being studied and some say that the factors that I mentioned above are the main indicators so that the website can appear on google. Therefore, many people complain about website traffic coming down and so on, even though they don't know that Google is making a major change to its search engine.

5. Don't do keyword research

This last factor is the main key for you who often lose visitors. Loss of visitors can occur because you never do keyword research. To do research, you can use google suggest or your mainstay tools. Also make sure that your website must be relevant.

That is 4 influences of SEO in 2018 that you must know. You should also continue to update information related to Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

How to Overcome Website Visitors Down

If it's like this, then you panic. Why when many visitors don't try to improve the various influences of Onpage. Onpage is also very important to do so that the updates on your website continue to change. This is very much related to visitor satisfaction or bounce rate. For how to overcome website traffic that goes down, you can use the following methods:

1. Periodic Article Updates

Important articles as I explained above. But more importantly, your website is always updated. The purpose of this update is to notify Google robots that there is a new website, so the robot continues to arrive and index various keywords on the web.

2. Just use the Rankbrain algorithm analysis

Yes, rankbrain is one of the Google algorithms that are being promoted in Indonesia. Rankbrain aims to have a significant influence on the quality of visitors. Rankbrain assesses a website from how visitors react, for example how long visitors are on your website, what links have been visited, what images have been viewed and what links have been shared. Well, this can be an indicator and the way is to provide quality websites that are really good.

3. Disavow Bad Backlinks (Bad)

The characteristics of bad backlinks I will share on the other hand. Here I will try to explain how to overcome web traffic that comes down with a backlink. Backlinks are indeed important to increase power on a website, but if too much will also have a negative impact on a website. Well, how you can see from the google search console. You can see some poor quality backlink sources. And after that you analyze one by one and watch how it develops. Then, if it is not good, then it is immediately available.

4. Repairing Onpage

The influence of SEO in 2018 lies in the internal web itself because that is an assessment not of offpage or backlink. Noteworthy is the arrangement of keywords contained on an onpage website. So, fixing the onpage website can add to your website visitors.

4 ways above you can try to do to restore website visitors as before.

Increase Traffic with Natural Backlink Sources

The next 2018 seo technique is to increase visitors using natural backlink sources. Do you know what quality backlinks are like? The backlink is formed because the quality of our content is very, very good. People like our writing, so they are willing to provide free backlinks as a source. To be sure, they also wrote it because they were inspired by your web or blog. So, to be able to increase traffic you only need a few backlink sources that are created naturally.

Add Visitors with Sharing on Social Media

Social media is often used as a quality spam event. Yes, I acknowledge it as one of the best techniques for getting visitors or visitors. Well, these visitors can be seen how long they visit our website. How often do they see our link. This is one of the clues that the web is really popular. Therefore, it's best to make fanspage specifically for your web on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest and so on.


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