how to making website
Website is an important element that you need when you want to create an online profile or build a business. In this article, we will discuss thoroughly how to create a website from zero to finished. Later, you will understand that creating a website is easy. No need to worry about technical problems such as coding or programming, because you don't really need those things in order to create and manage a website. Curious? Let's get started.
What comes to mind when you hear "how to make a website"? Difficult, don't understand, need IT staff, need a big commitment, or even spend a lot of expenses? Wait a minute, just answer this question in your heart. Now, it's time to prepare your heart and mind to start understanding how to create the following website.
Here are 4 easy steps to create a website:
1. Determine the Purpose of Making a Website
2. Determine the Website Platform
3. Register Hosting and Domain Names
4. Website Installation and Settings
How to create websites
Step 1: Determine the Purpose of Website Creation
Please specify the purpose of your website first. This goal will have a major effect on how to create a website that suits your desires. Usually, there are several goals that you can set according to your interests or niche. For example, making a website for personal (portfolio), business website, online store website, etc.
Step 2: Determine the Website Platform
Platform or more precisely called CMS (Content Management System). With the CMS you can create and change your website content without having to understand programming languages. Throw away the thought of programming or coding that is difficult and complicated to create a website. With CMS, making a website will be much easier. In this article we will discuss how to create a website using WordPress CMS.
Why WordPress? WordPress is the ideal choice for those of you who are creating their website for the first time. This CMS is the most popular choice among other CMS.
WordPress Advantages:
- Easy to install.
- The community is very large and is open source.
- Ideal for individuals who are not IT masters.
Step 3: Register Hosting and Domain Names
The next step in how to create a website, is to choose the best hosting. If you are still confused or want to know more about the definition of hosting, please read the following article: Understanding Hosting, Domain and Server.
The best hosting must have the following 3 main points:
High security
Good load speed
Reliable 24/7
Dewaweb has a commitment to become the best hosting service provider, with the first ISO 27001 certification in Indonesia. Cloud hosting with the most advanced technological innovations in Indonesia, and Legendary Ninja Support 24/7.
Next you also have to determine the right domain name for your website. Choose a domain name that is unique, catchy and easy to remember. This will be useful for increasing your website traffic. Also read: 12 Tips on How to Choose a Domain Name.
Now let's start ordering and register hosting and domain. Visit www.dewaweb.com/hosting-murah (click here) then select the desired cloud hosting package. You are free to choose a package that suits your budget and needs.
You can use the Warrior package to get premium WordPress themes & plugins without incurring additional costs and get enough storage to accommodate website data. But again, use a hosting package that suits you and fits the budget that you prepared, yes.
Enter the domain name you want.
Choose the billing package cycle (recommended at least 1 year).
Select server location.
Choose the WordPress platform.
After that, click Add to Cart.
Note: For Warrior packages and above, you will get a free domain.
Consider again the costs that you must pay. Don't forget, click "Click here to add it" to add a voucher code from the ongoing promo, then click "Checkout."
On the Checkout page, fill in the data requested to register as a member or login if you already have a client account on Dewaweb. When it's finished, don't forget to check the terms and conditions agreement. Click "Complete Order."
After making a payment, you will receive a payment confirmation email followed by information about your order along with a link to log in as a user on the cPanel account. Alternatively, you can type (your domainname) .com / cpanel in your web browser and enter your username and password. Pay close attention because this e-mail contains information that you might need when managing the website through cPanel.
Step 4: Website Installation and Settings
Install WordPress
At this time, you can immediately install cPanel through the Dewaweb registration page. But, if you miss the WordPress CMS option on the registration page, here is a way that you can apply to install WordPress on your website.
Click the link in the email that directs you to the cPanel login, then log in using your username and password.
2. After arriving at the cPanel main page, scroll down then click "WordPress" in the Softcaulous Apps Installer column, or search for "Softaculous" and click "WordPress."
3. This is the display after you click "WordPress," click Install Now to immediately install WordPress.
4. Fill in the required data, some important points that you need to fill in are the site name and description, admin profile, plugins, and themes. But still, if you have not been able to determine, you can change the name and description of the site, plugins, and themes after installing WordPress. If so, click the "Install."
5. Done. In some time, the cPanel display will look like the one below
Website Settings
After successfully installing the WordPress CMS, now you can proceed to the next stage in how to create a website.
Login by opening the url https: // www. (Yourdomainname) .com / wp-admin /.
You will go to the admin homepage or dashboard. First, we will try to set the main appearance first, namely the design for the theme and the name of the site.
This is the most fun menu for those of you who like to experiment with website design, but it's a bit inconvenient if you're not interested in designing your website. Because the Appearance menu contains themes, widgets, website menu laying settings, theme editors, and various other details related to website design.
Appearance> Themes
In the Menu Bar on the left, select "Appearance" with the brush icon, then select "Themes." There are thousands of themes that you can choose according to your wishes. In this article, we will try the Bard theme. Click Install then Activate for use. After that, click "Customize" so you can adjust it to your liking.
2. Appearance> Customize
Either clicking on the theme as in the steps above or clicking "Customize" from the "Appearance" menu in the Menu Bar, both of them will take you to the same page, which is theme adjustment. On the left, there are several menus that can be used to adjust the appearance of the theme on the website according to your wishes. FYI, each theme has a different menu to each other, so you need to choose a theme that suits you, both in terms of appearance and settings.
Not only adjusting the appearance, you can also set the name and description of your website on the "Site Identity" option. In addition, you can also add and adjust widgets on the "Widgets" menu marked by a red box in the image.
When you've finished personalizing your chosen theme, don't forget to click "Publish," yes!
After completing your website, don't forget to create the pages you need. Page is a basic element in how to create a website. In this area you can create various pages as needed, such as home, about, and other pages.
Click Pages on the Menu Bar on the left, then Add New to add a new page.
The description in the following numbers is the description according to the picture.
Permalink: function to create URLs that point to your page.
Title: The title of your page.
Content: Fill in accordance with the content you want.
Publish: Click Publish if you have finished editing the page and are ready to publish. You can click Preview to see your page first.
This is the "heart" of sites that use the WordPress CMS. The content that you create on this page will be indexed by Google's search engine and given to prospective visitors to your website who are looking for information on Google. Select "Post" in the Menu Bar, then click "Add New". Fill in the title and column of writing or the content that will be the article description.
The description in the following numbers is the description according to the picture.
Title, don't forget to use the main keywords.
Fill out the article, making sure it complies with the SEO provisions.
Heading that will be read by Google.
Settings for publishing, such as publication date, article status, and article preview.
Category, which is to group your articles according to categories on the website.
Tags can be used as keywords to make it easier for you to search for specific articles later on.
In order to increase your article ranking, you need to adjust the way of writing with SEO provisions, such as determining the main keywords, the use of keywords in the title, and the use of headings that you can learn first in the article about How to Use Heading in WordPress for Beginners.
Based on research conducted by Buzzsumo, articles that use 1 image for every 75-100 words can get more shares. Not only visual images, you can also add video or audio when you want to upload content. Make sure your content is not only informative, but also entertaining and not boring. "Media" is a place where you can store data in the form of images, videos or audio.
The Comments menu works to show the contents of comments contained in the content that you have published on your website. Don't deactivate the comments column if you want to get a response from your reader. But, if you want to filter out comments provided by readers, use plugins that can capture spam comments or advertisements.
Plugins are scripts and code written to perform specific functions on your website. When learning how to create a website, you need to learn plugins too so that they can be used to maximize website performance. Currently, we can use plugins that are specifically intended to improve SEO, security, create portfolios, galleries, forms on websites, even caching or storing data for a while either on a website, browser, or application so that they do not need to re-download data the same every time a page is loaded.
In order to perform its functions as best you can, you can install the following plugins:
LiteSpeed Cache for advanced caching management for websites with WordPress CMS so your website is guaranteed fast.
Yoast SEO which contains keyword analysis, article structure, and the use of words in titles and subtitles to assess your writing so that it can be more easily detected by Google's search engine.
Jetpack contains various features that can support the performance of your website, some of Jetpack's main features are down time monitoring, checking website statistics, adding comments and easy subscriptions.
Elegant Themes not only provides an easy-to-manage Divi theme, but can also display options so readers can share your articles on other social media and ultimately your articles can get more views.
Akismet which works to delete spam comments that usually haunt your article to be considered spam by Google.
In this menu, you can set your profile to be displayed on the website, or choose how to display the CMS dashboard in the "Your Profile" menu. If you want to create a profile that can be directed to your website or social media account, create a Gravatar account provided by WordPress.com. In addition, you can also control who has access to WordPress CMS on your website in the "All Users" option.
You can use this menu to import extracted data into a .zip file from your old blog. Conversely, you can also extract files for a limited time that can be exported to other websites. Not only that, you can also check the "health" of your website by clicking on "Site Health."
Through the Settings menu, you can make various important settings related to your website, for example the website name, tagline, or language in General. "Writing" contains settings that will be applied by CMS, both in your account and other user accounts, because as a website owner, you are the central regulator of all activities on your CMS website. In addition, you can also compile messages that will be received by every visitor who decides to subscribe to the newsletter from your website on the "Reading" option.
You just finished learning the basic menus on WordPress! Not difficult right? Without mastering the programming language, you can still learn how to create a website using WordPress, right?
★ Special tips & tricks: Backup and Recover Data
If you choose to use cloud hosting services on Dewaweb, you don't need to worry about backups for your website. This is one of the advantages of using cloud hosting on Dewaweb, every website that already uses hosting on Dewaweb is equipped with Acronis Cloud Backup. Besides functioning to perform automatic data backups, Acronis Cloud Backup can also perform data recovery or recovery when you accidentally delete certain data. Let's look at ways that you can apply to do recovery.
Open cPanel, then click "Acronis Backup" in the Files column.
2. You will be directed to a list of backups that Acronis has done on your website in the past three months. Select the date with the data you want to restore.
3. Wait until Acronis Cloud Backup manages to get your data from the Dewaweb server, then select what type of data you want to restore or restore; Files, Databases, Mailboxes, and Mail Forwarders.
4. On the next page, you can choose specifically which data you want to recover. Check the data you want to restore, then click Restore (recover) or Download.
Besides getting the advantage in the form of automatic backups, you also don't need to bother looking for lost or accidentally deleted data. Through Acronis Cloud Backup, your data is guaranteed to be safe and can be accessed whenever you want in the last three months. This feature you can also get free without adding any fees for every purchase of cloud hosting.
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