For those of you who are looking for tutorials or guides on how to create ads on Facebook Ads, then this article can be the right solution for you. Why? because here we will discuss this topic in full, free and you can directly practice.

We wrote a discussion about how to create Facebook ads based on our personal experience in using Facebook Ads. So you don't need to worry about following each step by step in creating ads with Facebook Ads.

Preparation for Making Ads on Facebook
So that you can follow the tutorial on how to create ads on Facebook, there are a few things you need to prepare, including:

An active Facebook account
Fan Page
Images that pass the maximum 20% text rules (you can test it first here) or video
Copywriting material
A credit card or debit card from Bank Mandiri that has been Verified by Visa or a Jenius card from BTPN.
after the things mentioned above you prepare, then next we will recognize the order to make Facebook ads first.

The Order to Make Facebook Ads
Before we discuss about how to create ads on Facebook, you need to know the flow first. To get an idea of ​​the flow please take a look at the picture below.

Basically there are only 3 ways to create a Facebook ad:

Determine advertising objectives. This is at the Campaign level.
After you determine what your advertising objectives are, then enter the next level, which is Ad Set. Here you can make more than 1 type of Ad Set. At this Ad Set level you can choose who the audience will see your ad, determine the ad budget and determine where you want your ad to appear.
Once at the Ad Set level then you will start creating ads at the Ad level. at this Ad level you can make more than 1 ad.
So if we look at it in terms of its structure, then the picture is like in the picture below:

How to Make Ads on Facebook
To make ads on Facebook, this is very easy. Please follow the steps below:

Access the Ads Manager - Creation page
The first step to creating ads on Facebook is to access the Ads Manager - Creation page. To access it, please click on the following link => and a page like this will appear:

The above page is called Ads Manager - Creation with Guided Creation mode. But if your monitor screen appears in Quick Creation mode (as shown below) you don't need to be confused. You only need to change the mode by clicking the Switch to Guided Creation button at the top right.

after the display on your monitor screen enters Guided Creation mode then we will then determine the advertising objective.

Define the Objective Ad
Objective advertising on Facebook there are currently 11 which are divided into 3 main parts namely Awareness, Consideration and Conversion. Each of these sections has their respective functions and goals.

For example you have a new product and want to introduce the product to the community, then the right objective is Awereness. If you want to bring a lot of visitors to your website, then Consideration is the right objective. Likewise if you want to increase sales conversions, convert website visitors into buyers, the right objective is Conversion.

So here you don't need to confuse objectives. Just adjust it to what you want to achieve with Facebook Ads. For example in the tutorial how to make ads on Facebook this object is Awereness.

Therefore in the section What's your marketing objective? we choose Awereness> Brand Awereness as shown below:

Next you scroll a little down and then you will see a screen like the picture below:

Several options appear as follows:

Campaign Name: Please fill in the name of your ad. If confused leave the default like that.
Create Split test: Use this feature if you want to do split testing.
Budget Optimization: You can use this feature to optimize your budget on each Ad Set.
After you decide what you choose, then please click the Set Up Ad Account button. Next the display will appear as follows

This page appears because we have not created an Ad Account. After we click the Continue button then in the future we will not see this page again. so after the campaign level go directly to the Ad Set. In this section you only need to adjust the Account Country: Indonesia, Currency: Indonesia Rupiah and Time Zone: Asia / Jakarta. Then click the Continue button.

Determine Audience, Placement, Budget and Ad Scheduling
After you click the Continue button you will enter a page like this:

If you look at the far left column, you are currently at the Ad Set level. That means here is the time for you to determine who your audience is, where you want the ad placement and how much budget you will spend.

Let's discuss them one by one.

In this section you are asked by Facebook to define who you want to see your ad. In this audience section there are 7 parameters that you can use, including:

Custom Audiences
Detailed targeting (Demographics, Interests / Interests), Behavior
Connection (List of people who have been in contact with the fanpage, application or event you are planning)
In this audience, if we describe it here it can be very long. Therefore we will not describe the details of the 7 parameters and what you should choose. But what we want to convey here is that in order to be able to fill in and select the 7 parameters you need to recognize exactly who your target market is. Facebook Ads is a tool to reach the people you are targeting.

It is true that Facebook can reach many people, but if you cannot determine who these people are then the costs you spend on advertising will be worth it. The money goes out but no money comes from the ads that you run.

Therefore it is very necessary to recognize who your target market. As long as you don't know who your target market is, we hope you don't advertise it first. But if you already know who your target market is, please continue reading this tutorial.

As a case study, we target people who like culinary in the form of noodles, domiciled in Java with an age range of 18 years - 44 years. So in this audience section we fill the 7 parameters as follows:

Custom Audiences: -
Locations: Banten, Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Special Region of Yogyakarta (State status)
Age: 18-44
Gender: All
Language: -
Detailed targeting (Demography, Interest / Interest), Behavior / Behavior): Noodles, Meatballs, Indomie, Boiled Noodles, Chicken Noodles, Fried Noodles.
Connection: -

From the choice of audience as above you need to pay attention to the speedometer image in the rightmost column. There you can find the Potential Reach of 4.1 million people. This means that the ads that we will run later have the potential to reach as many as 4.1 million people and all of them have an interest in noodles.

After you have finished determining who your target audience is, the next step is determining where you will display your ad. In this section Facebook offers you 2 options including:

Automatic Placements (Recomended)
Edit Placements

If you choose the automatic one, the ad placement will be randomized by Facebook and will give you the best place for you. Meanwhile, if you choose Edit Placement you can determine for yourself where you want the ad to appear.

To Edit Placements, there are several areas that you can choose from, among which you can see in the image below:

Then which one should you choose? If you are confused about which one to choose, our suggestion is to choose the automatic one. You run the ad for a few moments and then see the results. These results can be a reference for determining the next ad placement.

But if you want to target people who are active in certain channels such as Instagram, then you need to select the Edit Placements option.

# Budgets & Schedule
After you determine who the audience is and where you will display the ads, then the next is to determine the budget and ad time.

We discuss in the Budget section first. For this budget, Facebook offers 2 options, namely:

Daily Budget: Daily budget
Lifetime Budget: A budget for good
This means, if you choose a daily budget then you can limit your advertising costs per day, how much is the Rupiah. But if you choose the life time budget, then it's like you have 1 million in cash and this should run out within 2 weeks. So that the cost of advertising per day can vary in magnitude.

For beginners, you can start first by choosing the Daily Budget with a daily budget of IDR 10,000.

Then in the Schedule section, Facebook offers 2 options too namely:

From now on and you can stop at any time
You determine when the ad starts and when it ends.
The choice also depends on your needs. But for a tutorial on how to create ads on Facebook, we choose the Run my ad set continuously starting today. You can see the details in the following picture:

Then after you finish in the #audience, #placements and #budget & schedule sections, please click the Continue button at the bottom.

Create Facebook ads
After you click the Continue button above then you will enter a new stage again, namely the stage of making Facebook ads. You are currently at the Ad level. For the page you can see in the picture below:

At this Ad level there are also some parts that you need to pay attention to, including Identify, Format, Media and Text. And let's discuss one by one.

In this identify section Facebook offers you want to use Facebook Page or Instagram. Because we just prepare a Facebook Page account, we just choose the Facebook Page.

After you have finished identifying, then enter the format. For this format there are several options to choose from such as:

Single image
The video
Slide show
You can choose any format. If necessary, please use all the formats in the other set ad then which test gives the best results. But for a tutorial on how to create ads on Facebook, we choose the Single Image format.

Now we enter the text section. Here you can input any text that you will display in your ad. Then you also enter links to your website, headlines and call to action. An example is in the picture below.

After everything is finished then you click the Confirm button.

Make a payment
After you have gone through all the steps by clicking the Confirm button above, then wait a few moments. Then a payment method appears. There are 3 ways you can do to make payments, namely:

Use a kretdit card or Mandiri Verified by Visa or Jenius debit card from BTPN
Using a bank transfer method
using a coupon code
For more flexibility we recommend that you use the first method. But if currently not available you can use the second method while trying the first method. In this tutorial we use the ATM method and bank transfer.

Whatever option you choose, please click the Continue button.
then in this pop up click the Continue button again.

then the amount you have to transfer will appear. Then click the Review Payment button.

After that click the Make Payment button.

Then click the Continue button again, the display will appear as follows:

Then click the Continue button again and the destination account number will come out for you to transfer money as Facebook advertising costs.

Then do the transfer immediately and after the funds come in, your Facebook ad will run automatically.

That's the way to make ads on Facebook. Easy right? We hope that this can be useful for you. And see you in the next article.


facebook ads manager
facebook ads library
facebook ads cost

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