• 10.21

 Today I will share almost all strategies and ways to promote affiliate products that I know.

I made this post with the hope of helping you to make big profits as an affiliate marketer. 😀

I'm sure you already know what are the advantages of being an affiliate marketer, starting from not having to have your own product, not having to take care of any systems, and not having to take care of support.

There is only one task, to bring targeted visitors to the seller's sales letter, and after that just sit back and get a commission.

Therefore, I will not be bullshit about the benefits of being an affiliate, and will immediately talk to the flesh, namely what strategies are used by world-class affiliate marketers to get lots of money.

Yes, affiliate marketers CAN make huge amounts of money - up to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month - for relatively little work.

Top Affiliate Marketer's Strategy in Promotion

Previously, first disclaimer.

I myself am a lousy affiliate marketer. I rarely practice what my friends who are really good at affiliation teach me.

This is simply because my main online business area is not affiliate marketing (I am more into SEO for local business).

However, I think I have quite a lot of experience with affiliate marketing because as an SEO, I think I am very good at reverse engineering my friends' affiliate sites.

The strategy I will share in this post has been proven to be 100% effective in bringing lots of traffic for whatever affiliate product you are promoting.

Mainly, that top affiliate strategy can be divided into only TWO major things:

Build a list then notify the email list that is owned every time there is a launch. Remember, this list can go a long way and I'll explain the various forms of lists that are out there.

Building a web property contains reviews of the product and ranks those properties for keywords that are related to the product being promoted. Again, this web property can vary and I will explain them in full as well.

Promote Affiliate Products by Building a List

List building (building a list of data about your potential clients) is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you should do if you are a marketer, no matter what product you are selling.

Here is the illustration ...

If you are a property agent, and your job is to sell property, you will also know how IMPORTANT it is to build a list of properties that you can sell.

If you own a business, you also know the importance of building a list of your customers and potential customers so that you can contact them when there's a new product you want to offer.

Likewise with internet marketers, you as an affiliate marketer should also start building your own list if you really want to make big profits from affiliate marketing.

And when I talk about lists, I'm not just limiting to lists of subscribers in your autoresponder ...

No, not only that at all.

Your fan page is also your list. Your Twitter followers are also on your list. Your YouTube subscriber is also your list. Now almost any web property you can use as your tool for building lists.

Your list can come in many forms, and whatever your list is, you can VERY big profits as an affiliate marketer.

Nowadays you can easily build a list about a particular topic by building a Fan Page on that topic.

If your skill is in building a super busy Fan Page on a topic, then this is a super effective way to get lots of traffic to the products you're promoting and lots of commissions to your wallet.

Below, I also share what things you can do to start building your list.

How to Build an Email List

The easiest way to build an email list is to find other people who already have a list on the same topic as you, then you create a free product that is roughly relevant to that list.

For example: The product you want to promote is a product regarding SEO, then the list you need is a list that contains people who are interested in SEO topics.

To start building an SEO list super fast, just look for people or internet marketers around you whose main topic is SEO, and you think you have a list of people interested in SEO topics.

After that, what you do is you create a super cool free product about SEO. This is super important and the super affiliate's secret weapon.

Your free product can be a 2000-3000 word (about 7 - 10 page) article containing one super powerful technique. In our example, you can write a short report about your own SEO technique.

After that, prepare your squeeze page (page to get visitor data) that contains headlines, bullet points, and an email form where people can enter their data in exchange for getting your free product.

NOTE: For this technique, of course it is a requirement for you to be able to create your own squeeze page or landing page and already have an autoresponder to store your subscriber data.

The rest is just contact other marketers who have a list of your prospects. Offer the marketer to share your free product via a squeeze page that you have created with his subscribers.

Of course you have to give your product access to the list owner first so that he can review your free product and make sure your product is really of high quality and matches his subscribers.

And if your product is really high quality, and your relationship with the list owner is pretty good, you can expect the list owner to email the list to inform you of yourself and your free product.

Traffic arrives to your squeeze page, people enter their data, and voilà you have your own list !!

The method above is the smartest way you can do to build a list very, very fast.

Do the above for SOME list owners, and you'll quickly build a huge list !!

Another, longer way could be for you to build your own site, generate your own traffic, and build your own list.

But it is a super duper way of consuming time and effort. If you are smart, you will do the first method that I have described above before doing this.

NOTE: Having your own e-mail list is the VALUE and most LIBERING thing you can do.

Your email list is perhaps the most valuable asset of yours you can build on the internet.

From your list, you really have the ability to print your own money very easily, drive traffic to any page you want, and you can use it to enlarge your other assets.

How to Build a List on Facebook

There are two lists on Facebook, Fan page and Facebook group.

Actually, in my opinion, Facebook group is more valuable than Fan page because for me people who join the group are more committed and as a whole the group has a higher community value than the fan page.

For how to build a list on Facebook, some of the tips I can give are:

Look for a famous fan page that is relevant to your fan page, after that change your account as your fan page (use Facebook as "your fanpage name"), then LIKE the people who comment on the famous Fan page. People you LIKE will get NOTIFICATION that you LIKE their comment, and some might LIKE your Facebook Fan Page if your fan page is relevant to what they like. This is very powerful, because notifications will always be seen by people, and because you are not do SPAM (just LIKE), your chances of being banned are very small. However, although very powerful, very few know about this technique let alone do it. 😀

Post a status update on your own Facebook profile to get people to LIKE your fan page. Simple but very ineffective.

Create a fake Facebook account that captures people who like about certain topics by inviting them as friends, then after you have 5,000 friends you change your Facebook profile to a Facebook fan page.NOTE: This method I actually don't really like, but well, many do. so I include it here. Remember, I don't recommend you do this. These points are for education only.

If you have multiple fan pages, you can even cross-promote between fan pages, but since that's beyond the scope of this post, I'll continue next time.

How to Build a List on YouTube

For points on how to build a list on YouTube, I'm also learning myself, so I can't give good advice.

In essence, the key to getting quality subscribers on YouTube is to create a community on YouTube and make sure you deliver super powerful content every time.

And make sure each of your videos contains a link to the subscribe button.

In the meantime all I do is post video tutorials on the topics I cover.

The very interesting thing about YouTube is that it is very easy to rank on Google, so it will naturally attract its own subscribers naturally.

Plus, if you are good at using YouTube features such as annotations and playlists, you can make your videos appear on your competitors' relevant videos in the in-slate section (the end after the video is finished) and your competitor's video sidebar as relevant videos.

Your YouTube subscriber will get an email every time you upload a new video, and if the video you uploaded is a super cool video review with an affiliate link in the description section, you can expect a lot of commissions to come from your video. 😀

If You Have a List?

If you already have your own list, whether it's an email list, Facebook list, or YouTube list, you can easily inform your list by sending an email or a status update or a short video review and get your subscribers to go to the product page via your affiliate link.

Remind your list several times a week, offer special bonuses or special discounts when buying from your affiliate link.

... And please sit quietly at home and wait for the commission money to be sent to you. 😀

Promote Affiliate Products by Building Web Properties

This is the most common but also the MOST powerful method used by ALMOST ALL the top affiliate marketers around the world.

If you pay attention to Google, you will often find web properties belonging to affiliate marketers scattered in the search results.

And your guess is right, they make a lot of money doing these things. The following is a list.

Web Product Review

What's one of the easiest things to promote a product if you don't have a list?

The answer is that you create a page where you review the product that you are promoting, put your affiliate link at the top, middle, and bottom (in the call to action) of your review article, and rank the page on Google.

You will find tons of examples of these pages on Google.

What you need to do is:

Find a product for you to promote. This requires a super complete explanation of its own post because it has art and I will not discuss it in this post.

Look for keywords that are roughly typed by prospective buyers who actually want to buy the product, but are still a little doubtful and want a little more convincing. For example: "[product name] review", "[product name] bonus", "what is it [product name] ]? "," [product name] discount "," [product name] tutorial ", and many more.

Find information about the product you want to promote. If you don't have a product that you want to promote, browse forums, blogs, and the internet to find out what people think, what people ask, what are the features of the product you are promoting, etc. In essence, do research on the product that you are promoting. Learn ALL the positive and negative aspects of the product that you will be promoting.

Create a page or site that specifically reviews these products. Write down EVERYTHING you can about the product. Based on your research, you can include:

A title that contains the keywords that you are targeting plus make your title attractive so that people click on your page,

A short one paragraph description of the product you are promoting,

Your personal experience when using the product (people really like reading stories of other people who have used the product they are going to buy),

The features of these products and a detailed description of these features,

What benefits will your readers have if you have a product that you are promoting (based on the features you have made),

Add relevant pictures about the product being promoted (screenshots, photos of original products, etc.),

Call to action, give a bonus or discount in this section. Example: "If you buy this product through my link, you will also get a bonus in the form of a video tutorial on the most optimal way to use this product. Please see details about this product here: [your affiliate link].

Rank the page on Google with the SEO techniques I have taught you a lot on this blog. 😀

A good product review is one that can convince readers who are initially hesitant to buy to be sure to buy.

Therefore, here are some tips on how to make your product review trustworthy and able to get people to click on your affiliate link ....

Write your review on sites that are relevant to the product you are reviewing. Do not review cosmetic products on sites about golf. If necessary, please create a new site specifically for reviewing these products.

Make your review super simple. Remember, your readers come from all levels of knowledge and often don't know much about foreign terms related to the product you are reviewing. Often there are many terms in your product. Simplify the terms in your own language. Whether you are reviewing vacuum cleaners or digital products about SEO software, make sure of foreign terms (eg, "page rank", "list building", "edge rank", "dual vacuum ", etc.) you interpret in your review article so that anyone can understand.

Share your personal experience in your review. Remember, people like to read the experiences of other people who have used the product they want to buy. Make sure you share your experience in your review.

Make your review reliable. This means that don't just mention the good things about the product you are promoting, make sure you also mention the downside if there is. For example, if you are reviewing a WordPress theme, you can say that even though the theme is good, has many features, but the design too simple and not suitable for certain types of sites. By giving your own honest opinion about the badness of the product that may exist, you will make the review you write MUCH more trustworthy and people are more willing to buy from you and click on the affiliate link you.

Give bonuses that are relevant to the product you are reviewing. If for example you are reviewing SEO software, you can provide resource lists, video tutorials, PDF tutorials, special guides on how to use the SEO software.

Video Product Review

The principle is the same as a product review in the form of an article.

Target relevant keywords, then make a video about the product features, what the product can do, your personal story, what you like about the product, what you don't like, and a call to action in the form of your affiliate link and your bonus. offer.

After that, upload your video review on YouTube, rank your YouTube video, and wait for the commission to flow into your bank account.

Simple, right?

NOTE: I will discuss how to rank YouTube videos in other posts in the future and will not be discussed in this post.

Another way is to make a video tutorial for the product you are reviewing.

For example, the product you are reviewing is in the form of software or a theme, then you can make a video tutorial about:

What are the functions and advantages of using the software or theme,

How to use the theme or software,

Call to action in the form of your affiliate link.

You can show live what the software can do, what are the advantages and practicalities of using the software, and show that other people can do the same by buying the products that you are promoting through your affiliate link.

Don't forget to give people a good reason why they should buy from you.

Also remember that you can also integrate your review article with your video review. Embed your video review in your review article, so that your review article can have a double function. 😀

Further Affiliate Product Promotion Strategy

Create a site that only contains 100% product reviews.

An example is a hosting review site, you can review various hosting service providers around the world on that one site. You can definitely find many sites like this on Google. 😀

Create a site that only contains 100% reviews from people (user generated content) and genuine buyers.

Integrating the Two Strategies

The super cool thing about these two strategies is that you can integrate them into one super duper powerful combo strategy (lebay mode on).

You can use your web property to build a list from search engines, and you can use your list to enlarge your web property by inviting people on your list to share your property web via social media and so on.

And once you have both, the rest is all you have to do is look for products to promote, and you can live happily as an affiliate marketer. 😀

Becoming a Good Affiliate Marketer, Right?

And that is almost everything I know about how to promote your affiliate product.

Remember that all the things I listed above are very easy to do.

Product reviews are relatively easy to write, especially if you do your research right.

Plus a super complete 800-word product review even in my opinion it only takes a maximum of 2 hours to write.

Video reviews are even easier, 15 minutes to create a script, 15 minutes to record a video, 10 minutes to upload, 3 minutes to optimize video meta data, and the rest is just a profit.

All of this is clearly easier, cheaper, and more time-efficient when compared to making the product yourself. Moreover, you also don't need to take care of support ....

Really worked once and stayed behind to sleep.

If you have a list that is close to you and very responsive, it will all be much easier.

It only takes an email of 4 paragraphs or less to get your subscribers to click on your affiliate link, and if the product you are promoting is really useful for your list, you will DEFINITELY get a lot of commissions from that one email you send.

Some of your subscribers may not see your email, so you can email several times a week (3-5 times), and you can schedule this, so again, work a day, luckily many times ...

Affiliate Products You Can Promote

There are many products that you can promote if you are an affiliate marketer.

It's just a matter of taste which one you want to promote ....

If you want to promote physical products, you can join the Amazon Associate Program ...

Or if you want to promote digital products, you can join Clickbank Affiliate, or JVZoo, or WSO Pro, or join my affiliate program here: http://aff.syamsulalam.net/aff/aff to promote my products. 😀

And that is all from me, I hope this post is useful for those of you who want to get involved in affiliate marketing.

Remember to post a comment if you have any questions about anything. 😀

Greetings smile!

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